Archive for the ‘Ocular Motor Apraxia’ Category

Cisco’s First Steps


Cisco took his first true steps this Monday! He was working with his new PT (first real session as we did an evaluation before Christmas). He stood about 5 seconds at the end of his last winter hippotherapy session in mid-December and I have got him to stand a few seconds here or there but not by his choice. In our first session with Children’s Therapy Center his therapist had him standing 5-6 seconds several times and then had him walking with help down the hall. Then it was time to go back to his room and on the way in she had him walk toward her and he made it 8 steps with her scooting back then he fell on her. It was amazing. We have waited so long for this day. He will be 4 in February. This woman is amazing so we quickly contacted her after thinking more sessions during this important milestone would really help. We will see her two times per week this month and maybe next. During our second session this week he did 5-6 steps several times then 10 steps although he will only do 3-4 at home with lots of work and tricks from us. Unfortunately, we can’t keep up this pace for long. PT is our only therapy right now (we also do OT, speech and hippotherapy throughout the year) and insurance will only help cover 75 sessions per year of all therapies regardless of diagnoses. I hope to be posting pictures or video of his walking soon.

In other news, we have had a busy fall. During home-preschool we focused on learning colors through stories and art projects along with therapy practice. Cisco had weekly speech therapy that we discontinued because while his verbal skills are improving we felt our therapist was lacking new ideas, we did OT which we are taking a break from, and we did hippotherapy that is off for the winter. The NP at our Physical Medicine doctors office empowered us to take big breaks. She says that the present research is supporting intensive therapy with long breaks to helps families not become burnt out and better outcomes. I had been feeling this way but felt guilty when I felt we needed a break from one therapy or another.

For the winter we plan to focus on numbers and fine motor skills from wooden puzzles to Montessori type scoop and pincher activities in addition to walking/standing practice.



Cisco’s Progression (age 2-3)


With Cisco’s mobility challenges our focus is all about therapy and basic skills.

I’ve provided regular progression updates for Cisco. My last was in December. Cisco continues to use Sure Step orthotics (the same pair he got in December) and his DMO suit (he outgrew the first one in 3 months, we are now on his second suit but hoping to find a more adjustable and affordable option if he needs to get a third support suit when he outgrows this one). In February, he turned 3 and graduated from the counties early intervention program. We really miss his PT but have continued to have therapy successes privately.

In the spring, he started hippotherapy. It has been the best therapy of anything we’ve done. He is so motivated by the horse. He loves the horses and gets excited when he knows we are going to see them. When we started in March, he could take no independent steps, after we stopped in June he could take 2-3 steps independently when pushed to do so. A few weeks ago, he did a one week hippotherapy intensive since hippotherapy is on break for the summer. It was great. That is the week Cisco started drinking from a cup while holding the cup himself and started crawling up stairs. We were sitting on the bottom of the steps waiting for his turn to ride the horse. I was talking and suddenly i realize he is crawling up the stairs to the platform he uses to get on the horse. The next day, the last day of hippotherapy, he did the same thing. It was wonderful. He’s now back to weekly sessions for the fall.

In the spring, Cisco also took a special needs My Gym class. He really enjoyed it and all the equipment was great for him to climb and explore. We expect to take another class in the winter after hippotherapy is over (there will be a fall session and then we take off the winter) but plan to take a regular class with younger kids as they were willing to let us do that. The special needs class was filled with much larger kids on the spectrum with no mobility challenges. The parents were constantly worried there rambunctious child would hurt Cisco. It wasn’t a good fit.

Cisco is cruising. He is using chairs or anything that will slide on our hardwood floors to push to get around. He can climb on the couch and is just learning how to climb off. He now crawls very well. He’s been experimenting with putting his bottom in the air on hands and feet. He can use his walker to get through mulch and grass now and over small steps. He can get his walker to go any direction he wants to go. He can go a few steps with his strider glider bike without support. We plan to continue PT after the fall hippotherapy session is over.

Cisco now has an Accent 1000 Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) Device (basically a tablet with a built in large speaker and picture based communication software). He seems to be catching on but has trouble getting his pointer finger to the right spot and maintaining a pointer finger. I think his vision presents a challenge too. We took a break from speech therapy for the summer but I feel after a break we can work with the speech therapist to make good progress. I have found that he has increased his speech and words quite a bit this summer. He uses two word phrases both verbally and with his Accent 1000.

Verbal Words: mama, papi (dad), door, car, go, that, caca (poop), meow (cat), roar (dog and other animals), der (water), mapa (mommy and papi), dad (his brother), bull, bye-bye, no, and he also attempts many words when we say them as well as has said several words only once or twice then not again.

Signs: water, door, light, fan, potty, done, more, wash, sleep, no.

Gross Motor Update

New SMOs & Shoes

New SMOs & Shoes

Cisco got his DMO suit a couple weeks ago to help with his posture (he gets very slouchy when sitting up and his lower back is starting to curve) and to facilitate independent walking. What amazed me was about 20 minutes after we put it on him and I put him on my back in our new Toddler Action Baby Carrier, he felt considerably straighter and lighter. No dead weight that has been killing my back. Unfortunately, it didn’t last. Now, for some reason, my back hurts worse when he is wearing his suit. I do notice his back considerably straighter when sitting even at the end of the day when we take it off. He also looks so much taller and straighter with it on when standing or walking. He feels less floppy when I hold him. It is definitely helping even if getting it on is not his favorite. Luckily diaper changes aren’t as hard as I feared.

Cisco also got a pair of SMO orthotics the same day to help provide support for his ankle in hopes of facilitating walking. It improved his stride immediately. He bends his knees when walking with them on but not when off.

He did have to get new shoes to fit the orthotics. I decided to see what the local shoe stores had before ordering special made shoes particularly because I heard they were heavy. I started at Stride Rite reading online that people had luck with them and they have double wide. Unfortunately even with his skinny foot, they didn’t work. He only wears a 5 and there was really just one style in multiple colors. It was a real pain to get on/off and the velcro barely reached across even with double wide. I then went to Payless (not my favorite place) and was pleasantly surprised to find perfect fitting shoes in 5W with a sole that came out and a front bill that was completely detached on the side for easy in and out. They were cute brown shoes with Elmo (once again, not a fan of character shoes but worth it). My only complaint is the lack of breathability. His feet are sweaty when I take his shoes off. I will have to find some sort of breathable sandal for summer.

Prior to the new orthotics and DMO support suit, he has been making progress with gross motor skills. He got a new walker from the county to try , a Little Kaye walker. We had ordered and returned a Snug Seat Crocodile walker after receiving it to find it was bigger then the old Ottoback Busybee he had been using that I thought was big. I am very frustrated with modern manufacturers of pediatric walkers. They promote long use but to make this long use work means that it has to be sized for the larger child (about the size of my 9 year old boy) to use safely and just adjust the handle bars down for the 2 year old to use. I got it for the attendant bar they told me was no longer manufactured upon arrival and the seat that could be flipped down but no one told me the seat wasn’t adjustable and way too tall for my 2 year old.

Back to the Kaye, I am so happy with it. It is an oldie but goody. A design that I’m told has been around for years but they have 5 sizes compared to the 2 for other leading manufacturers, making it much more suitably sized for my 2 year old. It is also very light weight. It has straight wheels that i thought would be a problem by Cisco just picks the walker up a bit and manipulates it in the direction he wants. He loves it. He has one on order right now we hope to get before Christmas that has an adjustable fold down seat, an attendant bar so I can safely guide him or can push the walker if he needs carried. Also, much cheaper then the Snug Seat. He has a little friend the same size that tried it who loved it too and she asked her mom if she could have one (they are in the market for a walker). He recently walked the mall for 20 minutes using it. With the added stability of his orthotics and DMO he his creating a nice stride using his walker for just that little bit of security and balance he needs.

Next on the list: treadmill therapy if I can find an inexpensive treadmill.

Cisco’s Preschool


We are SamuraiWhile Cisco qualifies for public preschool, this summer I decided I know him best and can provide the best educational, therapeutic and loving environment for him. We went on a tour of the preschool before deciding. It was overcrowded and overstimulation for me much less a toddler with visual impairment. It also was not set up at all for a child to be in a walker or belly crawling. I also wanted to focus my energies on a medicaid waiver to pay for his many expenses and get an attendant to help a couple times a week while I homeschool his brother (we got the Virginia EDCD Medicaid waiver based on his disability).

We have been doing “preschool” focused on motor skills and visual acuity. We have been doing fingerplays from Baby’s First Book by Clare Beaton and Tessa Strickland and activities from Everyday Activities to Promote Visual Efficiency: A Handbook for Working with Young Children with Visual Impairments… by Ellen Trief and Rona Shaw. He has also continued weekly speech and sign language, we did OT weekly through October and are back to bimonthly PT with the county early intervention program that is now free thanks to medicaid.

Cisco Update (Sat Himself Up Today!)


Snack Time at the Snack Table

It has been awhile since my last entry so I thought it was time for an update.  Cisco is now 2.25 years old.  He still uses the Ottoback walker to walk around and belly crawls when not using the walker.  He’s gotten a little stronger.  Over the past couple weeks he has been bringing his knees in to crawling position but his arms still do not extend.  If I go to help he brings his legs to standing for me to help him stand so I thought he was trying to figure out how to get from laying to standing.  Then, today, he brought up those legs from belly and swung them around to sit up on his very own with no help at all for the first time ever!
Cisco’s speech continues to be quite delayed but his efforts are increasing.  He’s becoming pretty good at imitating musical sounds and other sounds he hears like the cats meow.  I really love how he likes to help Big Brother yell for me and has finally figured out he can get me by saying “Ama” instead of just fussing or crying.  He has more distinguishable signs such as mom, dad, more, done, play, music, door, light, waving hello, and help.  He tries to imitate words.  He is babbling more and more.  For awhile he was getting very frustrated that I was having trouble understanding his needs, as they’ve gotten more sophisticated, then we started doing speech therapy privately on a weekly basis in April instead of just monthly as we did through our county.  It has made a great difference.  We used PECS (Picture Exchange) cards for awhile and he started saying “more” right away as it was one of the first cards we used.  He understood it right away.  We did get away from it though because I couldn’t keep up with all the cards but it seemed to open us up to a new level of communication.
Cisco saw his opto-neurologist this spring for a yearly check in.  His doctor was happy with the results of Cisco’s eye surgery for strabismus and felt that there was no longer any reason to see him.  He did recommend that we start working with a Ophthalmologist again, which we will.  The vision therapist is someone we want to work with in the future but I am finding it isn’t really working for a toddler that doesn’t follow directions.
Cisco’s growth has continued to be slow.  He remains below the chart in height and weight.  Two throwing up sick episodes this winter, unable to keep food down, didn’t help and we found that at his 2 year appointment he lost 4 ounces in about 6 months.  So we went to see an endocrinologist at National Children’s Hospital.  We found out that all his numbers were normal except growth hormone.  His growth hormone is very low.  After talking to the doctor we have decided not to give him growth hormone at present and to re-evaluate at age 6 when they can predict his adult height.  She said the only reason to do it for him would be to gain height and the only medical reason she would recommend it right now would be if his blood sugar levels were low as a result of the slow growth which they are not.  Unfortunately, I wasn’t very happy with the doctors communication skills or respect for me as an intelligent parent but did learn something important after yet another amazing blood draw by the Children’s staff (the had lavender oil going and a light and water display to calm there patients).  The doctor did recommend seeing a gastroenterologist, I think mainly because I kept Cisco wheat-free after discovering without a doubt that it was causing severe Excema for him.  Based on the letter she wrote his pediatrician, she was concerned with my determination to keep him wheat and dairy-free (we are trying to introduce cheese). Luckily, Cisco’s pediatrician agrees with me that the low growth hormone explains his issues of small size and we will work with a dietician to increase calories rather then head to a gastroenterologist.
Did I mention I love Cisco’s pediatrician.  She always listens and has called us on several occasions after receiving letters from specialists or just to check on Cisco.  I don’t always agree with her and she knows that but she is always respectful of me as the parent.
As for the dietician, she works with lots of people that follow a gluten-free diet including herself so her nutritional knowledge is great.  Unfortunately, she is not at all comfortable with children and regular toddler behavior much less my toddlers behavior that includes being very uncomfortable with new people.  As for her knowledge base, she had some great recommendations recognizing his sensory issues that limit what foods he will tolerate and determination to feed himself.  She did evaluate 5 days of his diet and said he is not consuming the calories someone his age should.  I started a snacking table in the kitchen at his level for him per her recommendation to offer food more often and am offering snacks in the car.  He has really enjoyed his snake table that has at least 3 options at any given time.  We have gone from 3 meals and maybe one snack a day to 3 meals and 3 to 4 snacks a day. I have been taking him to the table several times a day and today he actually took himself in his walk to the table to have a bit.

In Pursuit of Independence


Cisco is getting more independent.  He scoots on his belly or uses his walker to explore his house from one end to the other.  He also makes us hold his hands to walk where he wants to go. While we visited family for Thanksgiving for two weeks, he did so well because we took his walker with him.  He checked out everyone and their homes and chased the dogs.  He came back home ready to try a more traditional walker and with new sounds babbling like crazy.  He started using his push toys and leaning his back to stand alone against my legs or a wall and using the two wheeled walker the PT left him but unfortunately it was tippy and scared him when he almost fell and he didn’t want to use it again.

Now lets move forward about a month and the PT finally found us a moire stable walker with four wheels.  It is a little tall but upped the independence yet again.  He is practically running in it at times.  The tires are a little bigger and make a huge difference in the terrain he can go through including going through the grass with just a little help from mom.   It is also lighter and foldable so we can take it with use more easily.  We went to our first trip with the walker to a public place, the library, this weekend.  I was chasing him everywhere.  Can’t wait to go again.

Click HERE to see Cisco in his Ottobock Busybee Walker

The Learning Pod


Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
With a little idea searching on my part and the woodworking capabilities of my hubby, Cisco got an early 2nd birthday gift this weekend.  My wonderful husband made Cisco what I’ll call a ” Learning Pod” inspired by the popular Learning Tower and its European “cousin” the FunPod.  

Cisco has become increasingly interested in what we are doing in the kitchen and wanting us to hold him at our level while there.  I started putting him in his Keekaroo highchair (another great invention) by me in the kitchen but really felt he needed to be more a  part of the action.  I started to remember a friend that had a Learning Tower and it seemed perfect except it has a huge footprint that wouldn’t work too well in my small kitchen and it also was very open.  The latter would be a benefit to an “average” developing child for the accessibility of crawling in and out but my little guy is just not strong or balanced enough for me to feel comfortable with him in something so open nor could he crawl in and out at this point.  Then I found the FunPod.  Perfect except the price tag so I was able to convince Dad to make it with Big Brother as a birthday gift.  It took them a day and a half plus about $80 (over 1/2 off a FunPod) to make and it is perfect.  He’ll deny it if you ask him but my hubby is so handy!  

Cisco is loving his Learning Pod.  He has especially enjoyed access to the drawers so he can empty them.

Walker Adventures


Cisco has been using a Riffton miniPacer gait trainer as a walker for about three months. He took to it right away and it has opened up his world. He finally can interact with the world rather then just see it pass by. He wanders the entire house (so happy we decided to move into a single level house this summer). He opens and closes doors and drawers. He empties drawers. He goes up to people (over most the summer, he was very with those outside our immediate family). He’s a different boy. He still likes to get on the floor and belly crawl or stand at his table or other arm level surfaces but he’s happiest in his walker and will spend the day in it if he can between meals and naps.

It has been a transition. First, I had the waist support snug around his chest/waist and he took little steps with the wheels adjusted fairly tight and only able to go straight (the miniPacer is very adjustible). He also didn’t use the handles for a long time. It had lots of straps and such to mess with that he enjoyed. I slowly loosened the waist support over time. One day, I removed a lot of things and he got very upset so I realized even the things he didn’t need needed removed over time for him to transition. He always needs lots of time to adjust to new things. Even his miniPacer was placed in the house a good week before he used it. We are finding he has a lot of sensory sensitivities. Once the waist was as loose as I could make it in the front, he started using the arm rest and handles for support but never tolorated attempts at attaching his arms to the support. After about three weeks of walking around confidently with a loose waist support and even enjoying it a the park a few times (previously we only used the walker at home and he would be antsy and unhappy at the park with mommy and brothers friends), we tried with the waist open.

Today was the first day he walked with the waist support open. He took to it beautifully. We have all hardwood floors over slab, so I recently got him a “baby no bumps” helmet (not a medical helmet). So, glad I did. Great piece of mind as he uses less support for walking. He’s determined to do it on his own and pushed my hand away as I held the walker or tried to offer my help. “I’ve got it mom.”

Click here to see Cisco Using his Walker for the first time

Click here to see Cisco using his walker today

Crawling and Walking and Growing


I’ve been unable to provide an update for awhile as I’ve been too busy keeping up with my little guy as the milestones keep building up all of a sudden. Cisco is doing great. He is now 1.5 years old.

He’s started wearing his glasses all day and it has helped keep his eyes straight as we were starting to see the eyes wonder again this summer. Not much luck with eye therapy though, he’s so busy, he can’t stop much to do the therapy.

Cisco started the commando crawl (where you scoot your belly along the ground). He’s become quite the expert and can make his way from one end of the house to the other. In fact, he spends most his waking day at home on his belly exploring. It has opened up a whole new world for him. He was getting really shy with strangers but that is fading. He’s adventurous and happy.

While he is not talking much at all, he’s a clever little boy. He understands just about everything I say. If He is chewing on a book and I say, “Not for eating,” he’ll put it down and cry as if I’ve internally wounded him beyond repair. If I ask if he want to do something like eat I better be ready to do it right away or he’ll get upset. No idle discussion allowed around here.

We recently visited Cisco’s pediatrician. She was happy with is weight gain. He is following curve but at his own rate like everything else. He’s very small for his size, in like the 1 percentile. She was concerned with is height though. On her chart it looked like he had flat lined the last 6 months but I knew he had grown as things were outgrown and/or fitting differently. So, i did something I had meant to do for months, compare his stats to the newest CDC chart (our doctors office has been using the old ones because they had so many old copies and didn’t think there was much of a difference) which was adopted from the World Health Organization collected from breastfed babies (which makes more since since breastfeeding is the natural form of baby nutrition). While he was still below the curve, he followed it and it looked just fine. It made me feel so much better as I’m a very small woman and so are many of my family members. I’m not allarmed if he is small but I was alarmed if he wasn’t growing at all. What a relief. I convinced our doctor to do the same and she agreed, no need to go to the endocrenologist to investigate a growth hormone issue as she had originally suggested.

I wish I could figure out how to get videos on this blog because I have one on this next milestone: walking with his gait trainer. While Cisco is not walking unassisted, he is now trying out a walker with good success. The first day I put him in it, I said, “I’m going to put you in here so you can learn to walk like mommy and Big Brother.”. I strapped him into the trunk support pads and he started taking steps immediately. It was beautiful. He is now starting to explore the house upright thanks to the gait trainer. I realized last night that it is now time to put padding on the corners of the dining room table and plug protectors in the outlets. My boy is on the go.

Lastly, we visited his physiatrist today. She was happy with his progress with motor skills and we both agreed a great improvement from when we last saw her 6 months ago. She also gave us a DMV form for a 6 month temporary disability tag for the car since Cisco isn’t walking yet. I was starting to feel like we need accommodations in some places and she agreed. She also advised us against using the high top shoes anymore. She said he strenghth in his ankles and legs looked great and the shoes were just adding bulk. I had been noticing he walks in his gait trainer much better barefoot and really was having trouble if we used the high tops. She suggested just a low profile shoe to protect his feet outside as I would like to start taking him out with the gait trainer. We tried it for the first time on the porch yesterday and it went really well.

Many Changes


I haven’t updated my blog in two months because we have just been too busy.  We’ve had changes in Home, Health, Development & School.  

Around the time of the Cisco Kid’s surgery, we decided we should look into the possibility of moving into a more accessible home.  It is unclear when and how well Cisco will be walking and we live in a three level townhouse.  The thought of dealing with the worry of a new walker likely using a wheeled device in this house was really worrying me.  My little guy is growing and improving but at his own pace which means each of the phases that his brother went through in a split second, lasts months for our little Cisco Kid.  I remember when his brother was a baby he enjoyed the baby gym mobile for a month or two while Cisco used his happily until he was one, for example.  This also means that learning to walk will be an arduous process and he can find independance much faster in a home where everything is on one level with a level ground yard (our little yard is far from accessible).  

As I don’t think I’ve mentioned on this blog before, my hubby has multiple sclerosis (MS).  Luckily, he is still good on his feet but mobility is sure to be an issue for him at some point too.  It just wasn’t making sense to stay in our beloved townhouse of 13 years anymore if we could move to something more accessible now.   

After 2 months of looking, we have found what seems like a perfect home in a nice neighborhood.  It isn’t as close to our present house as we were hoping but it has all we wanted: single level living, move in condition, level yard with space to play and garden, and wheelchair accessible, all in our budget.  We are so excited about our new detached house but all a little heartbroken to leave our present house and great neighbors.

We also have exciting health news, my hubby just switch his MS medication from a shot to a pill.  He has been getting shots every other day for over 8 years and really didn’t like it, as you might imagine.  He was so happy when the first MS drug in pill form came on the market and his neurologist said he could switch.  He was ecstatic.  It has only been a few days but so far so good.  He did have an issue with hit making him flush at first but dramatically decreased that by eating well with the pill.  He says he has an odd taste in his mouth and hears a swish in his ears at night but is feeling more energetic.  He had already seen an improvement in energy along with less bad days as a result of starting up tea kwon do in the fall with Big Brother.  I really hope this works well for him.

The Cisco kids eyes are doing well.  They do turn in when he is tired but look pretty aligned most of the time.  His OMA is more obvious now without the crossed eyes but it is pretty mild.  It seems to only cause him issues when he wants to really look at something, particularly at a distance.  At our 6 week follow up, his ophthalmologist said his eyes looked great but cautioned us that they could still cross.  His vision therapist said they were looking good but encourages us to do eye exercises daily and he should wear glasses throughout the day.  I do see his glasses doing well for him but he pulls them off more and more.  I get tired of trying and give up.

Cisco has also continued to struggle with weight gain.  He is very thin and below the growth charts but doing well in height and head circumference.  I fluctuate between being concerned and not worrying because he comes from a long line of very thin people.

The Cisco Kid is growing and improving, now almost 15 months old.  He is standing at his little table grandpa got him for his birthday well and is even pulling himself up and down from a little step stool he uses as a bench.  His PT suggested high top shoes and the all leather Jumping Jack high top baby shoes I got him on Zappos have really helped him in his stability standing up while not having a super rigid sole (I’m usually a big advocate of keeping babies/toddlers shoeless).  He still cannot roll very well and while he sits well unsupported and stands pretty well supported, he is unable to make the transitions for himself.  He is getting increasingly more interested in the world.  He so wants to get to the things he finds interesting and move about on his own as he should be doing developmentally but his little body just doesn’t cooperate.  We ordered him an adapted stroller for special needs kids and the vendor lent us there’s until it comes in.  He loves going for a ride in it.  I’ve asked the PT to see if their supply closet has a walker we can use or some other form of mobility to get our little guy moving as he would like.  He’s also loving My Gym classes.  He has so much fun with the music and circle times, rolling an one of their tumblers, sliding down the not so steep slide on his belly or back, and playing in the ball pit.  I think My Gym has been his best therapy.

Big Brother is doing well too.  He has grown up so much.  He’s almost 7.5.  He’s usually easy to reason with and is generally very helpful with brother.  He gets me things I can’t get to because I’m caring for his brother and is such a great form of entertainment for his little brother in the back seat. He has also greatly improved his skills with self entertainment as we go to doctors appointments and such.  He’s become mister social, striking conversations whenever he can.  He has made good friends with our realtor (who also helped us buy our townhouse pre-children).  Our realtor even came to his recent solo violin recital (I really need to share a video of one of his performances someday soon).  Such a joy to be around except after hanging out a few hours with the neighborhood boys.  Haven’t quite pinpointed the cause.  He too loves My Gym and we try to take him with us to one open gym a week.

Because of the move, we have ended the “school year” a little early but look forward to getting back to school once we settle in the new house.  Big Brother took his end of the year CAT test we use for proof of progress.  I think he did well but we are still awaiting the official results.  We will be continuing to practice for his upcoming violin group concert that is in early June and hope to get in some good reading time as we pack and prepare for moving.  We just finished the first “Harry Potter” and watched the movie this weekend.  He has asked me to read the Hobbit next.  I try to get him to read to his brother regularly but will have to wait to make it a morning routine again after we get to our new house.  I don’t think next year will look horribly different then this but our move will make some other homeschool groups available to us that we too far before, so who knows.  I’m trying not to out much thought into it until we are settled at the new house.

I think that sums up the past couple months.  Sorry it is so long.  I’ll try not to make it so long before my next post.